Synthetic Urine To Pass A Drug Test
A drug screening test is an analysis of a biological sample which can determine the presence of specific drugs in the body. The initial tests that employers could use demanded that the biological specimen be saliva, blood or urine and can only test illegal substances such as marijuana, opiates such as heroin and codeine, amphetamine and PCP. A hair follicle drug test uses a small sample of body hair. The detection period for this test is much higher than that of other tests which are carried out using saliva or urine samples. A drug test at home can detect marijuana and other abusive substances up to 90 days after synthetic urine consumption. In comparison, the unique use of PCP in the urine can be detected up to a period of 3 to 7 days.
Uses Of Synthetic Urine
A capillary drug test measures the amount of medication present in hair follicles by measuring the amount of drug molecules or medication metabolites that can be found as traces in the hair. These traces are formed when the metabolized medication moves into the blood circulation and is used to feed the hair follicle.
Since the hair test can detect abusive substances in a larger window, these are generally used in companies that have no tolerance for drug abuse. There is very little that the subjects can do to deceive it because the drug test of the hair sample requires a small amount of specimen for tests.
Urine Drug Testing
Although you can hire a laboratory to carry out tests for you, the commercial market also offers a drug test at home designed for the use of the employer, also known as the on -site capillary drug test. These kits are both time and money savers, especially for small businesses. On -site synthetic urine kits which target in particular companies are delivered with additional features – such as a guard and control form which can be signed by the employer, the employee and the responsible for the medical examination which examines the results. They also include instructions on how to become a trained hair collector, so that you and your employee can be convinced that the sample is deducted correctly.
Capillary tests are used in many organizations these days. Given the relationship between office flights, violence and sexual harassment in the workplace with drug addiction, business offices are now taking proactive measures to avoid hiring those who have a history of drug addiction. The fact that a drug test testing of the hair follicle is completely non -invasive and at low cost and covers a large number of drugs in it is a drug screening synthetic urine used by many companies.