Noocube review

Stress, tension, particular emotional states: our intellectual and mnemonic abilities do not always keep up with the frenetic turn that our life can take, and it is often extremely difficult to keep in mind information, appointments or past events that we would normally remember. There are many memory supplements to improve our cognitive capacity as a source of elements useful for its well-being, to support it, revitalize it and increase concentration. Furthermore, these components take an action aimed at preventing premature aging of our mind Noocube review.

These main elements are:

Vitamins and Minerals. Useful for the well-being of the nervous system, they improve the performance of memory. Vitamins of group B in particular are useful for the well-being of the nervous system, while those of groups C and E have an antioxidant action, fighting free radicals. Among the very important minerals there is Phosphorus , important for the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and for the assimilation of Vitamin B. Other essential minerals are zinc , magnesium and iron , which helps in cases of acute fatigue. ;

Noocube review

Amino acids . The presence of amino acids in supplements helps not only to relieve fatigue and fight cognitive impairment, but also, partially, to maintain some brain functions. In particular, the amino acids L-glutamine , which stimulates brain activity, is converted into glutamate , the main neurotransmitter that stimulates the central nervous system. We can also find Acetyl L carnitine , which fights free radicals and contributes to the formation of acetylcholine , the neurotransmitter that is the protagonist in the processes of learning and memory capacity.